Sometimes like everyone else, I wonder whether life is worth living. Reading my friends blog has made me think of all the bad things that have happened in the past year.
On September 28th 2004 I lost my Papa. The first family member that has died during my life. My Papa was an amazing man who was willing to help everyone and anyone who needed it. He was Santa Claus (literally) and every Christmas Eve he made his round to those in his family and families who did not have the money for gifts. He never thought of himself and only thought of others. I remember being woken up at 5a.m. on September 28th 2004 and my mom informing me that my Papa had passed away just two hours prior. It was a sad day on September 30th at my Papa's funeral.
On October 12th 2004 my friend and classmate Kirsty threw herself in front of a train because she could not take life anymore. She was always one to walk into the school with a smile on her face and never complain about anything. If I had not previously known about her problems I would have thought that this decision to end her life was crazy. But I did know some of her problems and when I found out what had happened, I had no problem believing it. It was more the WHY? that came to mind. WHY even with the problems she had would she have thought ending her life was the only way to cure her problems? WHY hadn't she thought of how she effecting everyone else. From there the WHYs became more and more selfish until I could do nothing but accept what had happened.
On October 26th 2004 I had to do the toughest thing in my life. I had to put my puppy dog down because she had gotten too old. We had had her since she was 8 years old and she was almost 15 years the day we put her down. I was actually not present at the time she was put down, only my dad was present as he thought it would be better if just one person went.
Still, in about a month and a half I lost 3 very close people (and pets) in my life.
But also by reading my friends blog it reminds me of all the good things that happened this year.
I started university and made the best friends in the entire world.
Sarah- You're awesome. When things get hard I know I can count on you to be by my side and you know I'll be by your side too.
Amanda- St. Thomas is our bitch!! lol. You have been an awesome friend. I can't wait for this year to start. It's going to totally rock!!
Lauren- St. Thomas is our bitch!! lol. You, Amanda and I all the way this year. New Year's Eve, birthdays, girls days!! It's going to be awesome!!
I continued to work at Mcdonalds, but I grew with them as they grew with me. It has been totally awesome working there even through the hard times.
My 19th birthday, which brought me to talking to Joe.
Joe- What to say? Although sometimes I seem really difficult to deal with I'm sorry. I can't help it, but you know this. You're a great friend all around and I'm soooooo glad I started talking to you..
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