2005 in review..
I've decided to yet again copy Lauren....
Another year is alomst gone, and it was definitely one of the best years ever!!!
My list of good things to happen.....
*New Year's Eve last year (technically counts because we were together at midnight)..There's a picture for this one too :D
*My 19th birthday = Lauren, Amanda, Dave, and Myself entering St. Thomas the only way it should be done...THROUGH THE ELEPHANTS ASS!!! :D, My first drink, Awesome presents, the cupcakes and the freakin awesome 'I'd have sex with that' colour
*'I'd have sex with that'...Yes it gets it's own high point because we definitely continued it for a couple months :D
*East Side Mario's Party + Cranium = Great times all around :D
*Lauren's B-day/What should have been Ian's b-day...Port Stanley in the morning (it's cold on the beach in APRIL), Monopoly gone wrong..lots of violence
*Port Stanley Beach Trip..Note to self + Amanda and Lauren: Sunscreen = Good when sitting on a beach for hours on end. The ice cream was soooooooooooo good too. I'm drooling just thinking about it.
*Tanya's bday at Mexies...Wanna see cheesecake disappear really fast..set it in front of Tanya, Lauren and myself..We killed that cake :D
*Completing my first year of university TWO months later then everyone else
* The Brescia Picnic..lol. Amanda you still got the Brescia frizbee that mysteriously jumped into your bag? And don't forget the bubbles* April exams..HARDCORE GO FISH!!!* The Avril Lagvne concert..Without Amanda's help I would have never got the tickets.*BOOK SHOPPING!!- haha Amanda..we really should've found those cute boys to carry our books.*Mcdonalds- Chase the boys much..lol..around and around we go!!*THE BACKSTREET BOYS CONCERT!!*KALAN PORTER + WESTERN FAIR = AWESOME!!!*Fun breaks between classes..Adventures are the bees knees :P
*KNEE SEX..Lauren, Amanda and myself in a closet, hands touching..KNEES!! Ian's van saw a lot of knee sex
*Amanda's Birthday :D Fun times all around..Dressing Julia up as a Christmas Tree (there will be pictures soon)
*Canada's Wonderland..Joe and Sean..Scooby-doo :D..Mini golf..I was score keeper :D
*Labour Day Weekend..Hot tubs, gross drinks, lots of cheesecake, under water groping and a 4 a.m. walk home :D
*New Harry Potter movie and book coming out :D
*Lauren getting a cellphone :D
*Having my first boyfriend
*Work..yes I said it :D
And now for the bad things...
*Watching Amanda deal with two losses
*Losing touch with a really close friend
*Dealing with a year without my Papa
*Fighting with friends
*Getting passed over for a promotion for a person who was hired after me
*Having my first boyfriend
*McDonalds Christmas Party
*Having to stay in school for Two months more
*Having people say false things about me
There are probably more things..but I have been working on this for like a day now and my brain hurts :(
I can't wait for 2006 to come as it will bring so many more fun things :D