The World Of Danielle

My blog on my life!! Sometimes mixed with a little craziness and sometimes a rant or two!!

Monday, February 27, 2006

Random Update...

So I've decided to come back to this blogging thing and keep you people updated on my life.

So this past Friday was my birthday and that makes me the big 2-0. I'm halfway to a midlife crisis and halfway to being the 40 year old virgin. lol. How sad is that? So for my birthday I got 3 e-bday wishes, two which were cards. I as got LOTS of pre-bday hugs on Thursday, and some pre-bday face licks. Friday led to some bday spanking and me being sick in my room after work. Great birthday ain't it?

On Thursday I was also claimed as Chris and Justin's valentine. Hmm..should someone tell them they were a little late? lol. Speaking of valentine's day, it actually went fairly well this year. I ended up with two valentine's on V-day (Amanda and Lauren) and one post-valentine (Brandon :)) And then of course Chris and Justin 9 days later.

Back to the birthday thing. I think the curse has been broken. I didn't lose a friendship this year or get in a fight with anyone on my birthday. Actually it was quite weird because instead of losing a friendship I actually ended up getting a bday email from an ex-best friend because she remember it was my birthday and decided to email me about it.

Other then that the only other thing to update about is....THIS WEEK IS READING WEEK!!! That means I have the entire FREAKIN week off of school and I have 3 days off of work :):):):):) I have been waiting for this week since CHRISTMAS!!! I'm so excited so if anyone has anything they would LIKE to do with me, you can call my cell or message me on MSN!!!!

Until next time I'm up and outta here!!

L8er dudes and dudettes!!


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