The World Of Danielle

My blog on my life!! Sometimes mixed with a little craziness and sometimes a rant or two!!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

It's a blah kinda day...

So today there has been a lot of crying today.
Some fighting.
And a lot of music listening.
Plus some actual school work.
Meetings, classes and sleep.
Now I'm just chillin in my basement.
And I decided I needed to write.
That is all.

Dani is out!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

It's been a while..

It has most definitely been awhile since I posted on here.
Well I'm back, and I guess I'll update you non readers on my life.
I am now 21. Yup that's right. 21!!
I almost got the guy of my dreams, then he went and got himself engaged.
I shattered my wrist on a bike ride. Ended up with 2 surgeries, a cast and lots of pain medication.
I got put on academic propabtion at school.
I'm looking to move out of London next year.
And I still work at Mcds.
So here's the deal. I think I'm going to use this blog for poems and stories. Of course there will still be updates on my life, but no more wasted space with icons and Lyrics.

For now I'm up and outta here!!

Dani <3