The World Of Danielle

My blog on my life!! Sometimes mixed with a little craziness and sometimes a rant or two!!

Friday, September 23, 2005

To My Dedicated Readers...

Hey out there to all my dedicated readers. (Joe and Amanda I think you're it) :)
While is the great big fantasicly awesome world of Danielle, there's is absolutely nothing to report on. The weather is great on the cloud I'm on. The sun shines bright and the birds sing (but only when I want them to) and my mind is clear and void of all thoughts. I like it better then that place you call Earth because down there all you do is think. There is never a time when you're not thinking because when you try to stop thinking you're thinking about thinking. And thinking just gets you into a lot of trouble in the world called Earth.
Up here in my Fantasic world anything goes. You don't have to be normal, as in reality there is no such thing as normal.
Down there on Earth you people are always trying to achieve the society's view of normal, but the reality behind it is........... oooo the suspense.. :)
Normal is only what you perceive as normal. There can't be normal because normal is forever changing. If it's forever changing then surely it can be changed to incoporate what you think is normal.
So the reality is Normal is only what you perceive as normal and if you think you're normal then you're normal. Not everyone will agree with this, but it's the truth. Normal is just a fad and it's going to change. No point in changing with it.
So in my world you're not expected to change. Everyone is accepted.
In my world, one can only hope, that that place you call Earth will catch onto my way of thinking. It's the only true way to peace. :)

Wow, now that you know where I'm coming from, leave comments to let me know where you're coming from. Just let me know what you think and what you feel about my little world :)

Until next time I'm up and outta here :)

L8er Dudes and Dudettes


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