The World Of Danielle

My blog on my life!! Sometimes mixed with a little craziness and sometimes a rant or two!!

Sunday, September 04, 2005

A huge thanks...

So I owe a huge thanks to a friend of mine. Yesterday I went through some shit and I need to thank this person for making me talk about it instead of ignoring it like I usually here it is..

Without you yesterday I might have done something I couldn't take back no matter what I did. The things you said to me brought me back from where I was. I know why you've entered my life now. It's not to help me or stop me or watch out for me. You're there when I need you to be, and you know I'm always here for you. Somehow we get each other even though you've been through so much more then I have. And I think that's why you get me. Everything I'm experiencing you've already been through. The advice you give I take to heart, even though sometimes it seems I don't listen. I hear everything you say, and I know you hear everything I say (though u might not remember a lot of it). This summer has been awesome, the best one yet, and you were involved in almost all my memories from that. Canada's Wonderland was awesome. Work was mostly awesome. You've helped me gain an understanding of what I don't like about myself and what I need to change. I know that may sound bad, but I thank you so much for it. Without someone like you in my life, I would've been doing the same old thing everyday. Now I try to do something I wouldn't normally do everyday. Baby steps.


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