So I'm getting tons of frickin exercise this year. Up the hill and Down the hill. Grrrr... O well I guess it's good for me.
Anyway, School is off to a fabulous start. I'm already ahead in almost all my classes. I love my professors. They're all so funny. I love the courses themselves and most of them I haven't been in for more then a day.
Basically I'm really glad that school has finally started again.
On another note, I think I owe an apology to someone. You know who you are, so I'm SORRY! I've only said that little phrase like a million times, but I mean it. I really am sorry.
Other news in the world of Danielle. Well I went and saw THE BACKSTREET BOYS on Sunday. If there was ever a moment that was greatest I have found it. I'll tell you all what happened to make it the greatest day of my life.
So Amanda and I ran into Morley and he told us that he had seen 5 buses at the Armouries. So Amanda and I went to the Armouries but there was only one bus there. We decided to wait with the small crowd of girls though, but we chose to stand near the fire exit. We had been there about 15 minutes when the fire exit door opened and out walked BRIAN!! Ya that's right. If I had not have been almost hyperventilating I could have touched him. Of course probably got my arm ripped off, but damn it would have been worth it.
So then the bus left and Amanda and I went over to the JLC where all the buses were and waited. We got to see Aj come out and play football with the sercurity guards, and Kevin and Howie get off their buses and walk inside. And finally I saw Brian again. The only disappointing thing was the fact that I didn't get to see Nick until the concert.
Now to the concert. We had pretty decent seats. And we really weren't that enthusiastic during the opening acts, but once the Backstreet Boys got on stage we were up and dancing and singing and taking tons of photographs. Sooooo exciting. I ended up basically losing my voice and I almost cried, but not because of the Backstreet Boys themselves, more because of one of the songs.
It was an awesome experience and I have a glowstick and Tour T-shirt to remember it forever.
If you want to know anything else, ask me because believe me there is so much more I could be saying about this right now.
Just talking about it I'm all excited again. YAY!!!
But anyway, for those of you used to seeing me online all the time, I will probably not be making any appearances anytime soon as I have projects to start already. I will try to keep this updated though for those of you who talk to me and usually hear about my day and everything. But I'm off to class again.
L8er dudes and dudettes :)