The World Of Danielle

My blog on my life!! Sometimes mixed with a little craziness and sometimes a rant or two!!

Tuesday, September 27, 2005


For those of you who are new to reading my blog, or just don't listen to me, tomorrow is going to be a very upsetting day. So this is a dedication blog.

R.I.P Papa

It's been a year since you left us
and we all still feel sad
everytime we see your face though
it brings back all the good times.

The times that you were Santa
the times that we went swimming
the times that you would laugh
and the times you made us laugh

However with good comes bad
like the day we found out you were sick
we all knew what would happen
that you would leave us soon

And although we all want to say
that you left us all too soon
we know it's not true
because you were happy

We'd all like to say
we miss you everyday
we'll miss you non-stop
until we see again one day

Just keep on being happy
and never lose your smile
because when I get to heaven
that's what I'll be looking for

You had a great life Papa, you that's true, and so does your family. You lived you life to the fullest, and although we miss you, we know you're doing something good up in heaven too.

That was my dedication because tomorrow, September 28th is one year since my Papa passed away and for being the great man that he was he deserves this :)

L8er dudes and dudettes

Friday, September 23, 2005

To My Dedicated Readers...

Hey out there to all my dedicated readers. (Joe and Amanda I think you're it) :)
While is the great big fantasicly awesome world of Danielle, there's is absolutely nothing to report on. The weather is great on the cloud I'm on. The sun shines bright and the birds sing (but only when I want them to) and my mind is clear and void of all thoughts. I like it better then that place you call Earth because down there all you do is think. There is never a time when you're not thinking because when you try to stop thinking you're thinking about thinking. And thinking just gets you into a lot of trouble in the world called Earth.
Up here in my Fantasic world anything goes. You don't have to be normal, as in reality there is no such thing as normal.
Down there on Earth you people are always trying to achieve the society's view of normal, but the reality behind it is........... oooo the suspense.. :)
Normal is only what you perceive as normal. There can't be normal because normal is forever changing. If it's forever changing then surely it can be changed to incoporate what you think is normal.
So the reality is Normal is only what you perceive as normal and if you think you're normal then you're normal. Not everyone will agree with this, but it's the truth. Normal is just a fad and it's going to change. No point in changing with it.
So in my world you're not expected to change. Everyone is accepted.
In my world, one can only hope, that that place you call Earth will catch onto my way of thinking. It's the only true way to peace. :)

Wow, now that you know where I'm coming from, leave comments to let me know where you're coming from. Just let me know what you think and what you feel about my little world :)

Until next time I'm up and outta here :)

L8er Dudes and Dudettes

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Typing Typing Typing...

So I'm reading through my old blogs and I don't remember writing most of what was written. But I need to say one thing.
Joe - Buddy ol' pal. I tried explaining stuff to you the other day, but now I need you to read the Blog entitled 'Destiny' because I'm pretty sure everything I was trying to say was in the blog.
But I'm going to repeat some stuff.
Don't date based on finding another you, date based on finding someone with your interests. C'mon now. I can't get into my inciteful mood today.
I give up :)

L8er dudes and dudettes :)

Bah Unto you all........................

I'm so freakin bored. I have been sitting in the exact same spot for 4 hours. 4 FREAKIN HOURS!! That's it. Next time I go home. I'm getting tired. I don't really have the will to go to class at 6:30 but I will. I have a meeting in a hour for Off Campus Council. I don't wanna go anymore. O well, that is definitely all I have to update. There is nothing new in my life.

Well except..bugging people at Mcdonalds is soooooo much fun :)

L8er dudes and dudettes :)

Monday, September 19, 2005

R freakin OAR...

I'm freakin bored. I'm reading and posting. AHHHH..
Ya that's freakin right...AHHHH...
I'm really tired lately, but I'm not sure why. It's not like I'm over working myself or anything.
So tomorrow I have a splended 6 hour break in which I will be typing up my notes and reading my books. Hmmm...Sounds like a fun filled day.
I wish I was freakin sleeping right now. Or at least talking to someone. Hmm...
Well I've updated, I mean not a whole lot to say today.
I'm up and outta here

L8er dudes and dudettes :)

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Screw Catchy Titles......

I'm not in a very creative mood..O well..
So it's been a couple days since I've updated, and I must say..some interesting things have happened.
1. I tried to cut the top of my left index finger off. Now before you say anything, it wasn't on purpose. I was cutting a piece of chicken on a plate. I chicken slipped, and I continued to cut. Oops.
2. Amanda and I went and saw Kalan Porter at the Western Fair. It was an okay show, but we had already set the bar by going to see the Backstreet Boys before hand.
3. I went to the Western Fair. Apparently the people running the games don't like it when you promise to come back but never do. The weather was sucky though. It poured rain on us for about 30 min. Other then that I won a stuffed fish, a butterfly and a Teddy Bear.
4. I actually got hours at work next week, too bad it's way too much. lol. Hopefully they'll read my availablity better next time.
5. I'm in a weird mood today. I feel like telling my friend everything that's on my mind, but the past few days have been great days. It's just weird. I have so much I could tell him, but I choose not to. Weird I guess. I'm not sure what's wrong with me exactly.
6. Finally, I can't make myself stop feeling these feelings towards someone. It sucks because I can't do anything about it and nothing will come of it. I mean it's the way it's suppose to be, but lately I dunno.

L8er dudes and Dudettes

Thursday, September 15, 2005


Like my evil laugh? Well I do. Anyway, yes I was online a lot yesterday, and yes I will be online A LOT in the next few days, but I'd advise you not to say anything to me unless I say something to you first.
I'm trying out this new approach to school. It's called doing my projects before they're due. I think it's a good plan. So as of last night I started a project that's not due until November 8th. And I will shortly be starting to get ahead in every class and I will be typing out my notes on my laptop. So yes I will probably be on MSN a lot, but just don't talk to me. I know my status is always away, but this really means leave me the hell alone. In a nice way of course :)

Other news, I'm wearing a skirt today. Yup that's right, this girl has graduated to skirts and girly tops. Only for right now. Once it hits winter, the chances of me wearing a skirt is slim to none.

Searching the world of Danielle for exciting news.
Nope nothing.
So for now up and outta here.

L8er dudes and dudettes :)

Wednesday, September 14, 2005


So I'm getting tons of frickin exercise this year. Up the hill and Down the hill. Grrrr... O well I guess it's good for me.
Anyway, School is off to a fabulous start. I'm already ahead in almost all my classes. I love my professors. They're all so funny. I love the courses themselves and most of them I haven't been in for more then a day.
Basically I'm really glad that school has finally started again.
On another note, I think I owe an apology to someone. You know who you are, so I'm SORRY! I've only said that little phrase like a million times, but I mean it. I really am sorry.
Other news in the world of Danielle. Well I went and saw THE BACKSTREET BOYS on Sunday. If there was ever a moment that was greatest I have found it. I'll tell you all what happened to make it the greatest day of my life.
So Amanda and I ran into Morley and he told us that he had seen 5 buses at the Armouries. So Amanda and I went to the Armouries but there was only one bus there. We decided to wait with the small crowd of girls though, but we chose to stand near the fire exit. We had been there about 15 minutes when the fire exit door opened and out walked BRIAN!! Ya that's right. If I had not have been almost hyperventilating I could have touched him. Of course probably got my arm ripped off, but damn it would have been worth it.
So then the bus left and Amanda and I went over to the JLC where all the buses were and waited. We got to see Aj come out and play football with the sercurity guards, and Kevin and Howie get off their buses and walk inside. And finally I saw Brian again. The only disappointing thing was the fact that I didn't get to see Nick until the concert.
Now to the concert. We had pretty decent seats. And we really weren't that enthusiastic during the opening acts, but once the Backstreet Boys got on stage we were up and dancing and singing and taking tons of photographs. Sooooo exciting. I ended up basically losing my voice and I almost cried, but not because of the Backstreet Boys themselves, more because of one of the songs.
It was an awesome experience and I have a glowstick and Tour T-shirt to remember it forever.
If you want to know anything else, ask me because believe me there is so much more I could be saying about this right now.
Just talking about it I'm all excited again. YAY!!!
But anyway, for those of you used to seeing me online all the time, I will probably not be making any appearances anytime soon as I have projects to start already. I will try to keep this updated though for those of you who talk to me and usually hear about my day and everything. But I'm off to class again.

L8er dudes and dudettes :)

Friday, September 09, 2005


I have never felt as incapable as I do right now. I always thought I was good with people. Helping and listening and all, but apparently I'm not as good at it as I thought. I mean if I was good then people would feel comfortable talking to me. But lately no one feels comfortable talking to me. No body feels comfortable with listening to me. So how can I be good people if people aren't willing to let me be. I give up. I always thought that my passion was helping people, but maybe it's not. And if it's not, then I'm going into the totally wrong profession. You can't be a teacher if you're not good at helping people. You can't be a teacher if people don't feel comfortable talking to you.
Oh well, I guess I'll find out soon, because this is my first year in becoming a teacher.

L8er dude and dudettes!!

Sunday, September 04, 2005

A huge thanks...

So I owe a huge thanks to a friend of mine. Yesterday I went through some shit and I need to thank this person for making me talk about it instead of ignoring it like I usually here it is..

Without you yesterday I might have done something I couldn't take back no matter what I did. The things you said to me brought me back from where I was. I know why you've entered my life now. It's not to help me or stop me or watch out for me. You're there when I need you to be, and you know I'm always here for you. Somehow we get each other even though you've been through so much more then I have. And I think that's why you get me. Everything I'm experiencing you've already been through. The advice you give I take to heart, even though sometimes it seems I don't listen. I hear everything you say, and I know you hear everything I say (though u might not remember a lot of it). This summer has been awesome, the best one yet, and you were involved in almost all my memories from that. Canada's Wonderland was awesome. Work was mostly awesome. You've helped me gain an understanding of what I don't like about myself and what I need to change. I know that may sound bad, but I thank you so much for it. Without someone like you in my life, I would've been doing the same old thing everyday. Now I try to do something I wouldn't normally do everyday. Baby steps.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

This is it...

I said the rant might be in this journal eventually, and here it is...
I'm sick of guys. I'm sick of liking guys that are opposite me. I'm sick of guys telling me they just want to be friends. I'm sick of those guys who want to be friends, not always acting like friends.
I'm sick of people saying one thing and doing another. I'm sick of watching people move on with their lives while I sit here and watch my life get lived for other people. I'm sick of living my life for others. I'm sick of not knowing who I am or where I belong in this world. I'm sick of the fact that when I try to find some where to belong I'm called a follower. I'm sick of everyone telling me how I'm suppose to live my life. I'm sick of constantly being dependable. I'm sick of not taking risks because I could get caught. I'm sick of holding myself back from things I really want to do. I'm sick of being shy. I'm sick of hearing people call me a nice sweet girl. I'm sick of being the book worm. I'm sick of the world. I'm sick of people only taking their own feelings into consideration. I'm sick of sitting by while my friends make mistakes but never being willing to make my own mistakes. I'm sick of trying to help people out. I'm sick of working and getting no recognition for it but when I turn down a shift I get shunned for it. I'm sick of looking the way I do. I'm sick of talking the way I do. I'm sick of saying stuff but never taking action. I'm sick of being me. I just for one day want to be something that no one would ever expect me to be. I want to surprise everyone even if it is just for one day with what I'm capable of, not what they think I'm capable of.
Ok I feel better now..

L8er dudes and dudettes

Friday, September 02, 2005


So school starts in about a week, and although I'm quite excited to be coming back, I'm not at the same time. I'm going to miss talking to my friends online and everything. I mean I'll get to talk to my school friends all the time, but the people from work are already saying that they're going to miss working with me all the time. :(
In the past two days you might have noticed (only if you read this) that I haven't really updated. Well for those of you who need something to read, here you go.
Yesterday was my first day of OCPA training and it went really well, until we hit a topic very close to me. We were being told how to deal with crisis' should they present themselves, and Shannon brought up suicide. For those who know me, this is not a great topic to bring up around me as I have had a lot of experience dealing with it. The next thing I know she's talking about a suicide that happened at Brescia last year. Those of you who know me also know that this was my friend and classmate Kirsty.
Shannon looked at my face while she was talking and made a wise choice to change the subject. Had she not I guarantee I would have burst out in tears.
We also attended a workshop on Sexual Assault. Let me tell you, I could not believe the amount of things that were counted as sexual assault. And guys WATCH OUT!
If you are drunk or the girl you want to sleep with is drunk, DON'T DO ANYTHING!!! It probably will never happen to you, but if alcohol is used, consent cannot legally be given and you may end up being charged. Of course you can also charge the girls, but girls are more likely to do this.
Other then that there's nothing big going on in my life. I soon lose the one person I tell everything to due to school. lol. And I lose them because I will not be able to get online and he won't answer the phone. :( It's a sad time. I hate facing reality.
Anyway, I'm off to eat cookies and wait until training starts again.

L8er dudes and dudettes :)

Thursday, September 01, 2005


For those of you who were wondering what was wrong with me yesterday..well here it is.
1.) I was bored.
2.) I didn't feel like being inspirational
3.) I didn't have any conflict to work out

Just thought I'd clear that up for those of you who thought I might have gone crazy yesterday.

I'll write more later after I'm done my lovely Off-Campus Peer Advisor training.

L8er dudes and dudettes!!!